Players generally don’t hit hard enough to trigger the full effect of Vengeance, unless they are all ganging up on one tank, at which point someone in the group…
Author: <span class="vcard">guildwars2powerleveling</span>
The grain turned many of the inhabitants into undead soldiers directly commanded by the Lich King and began to spread the plague turning the living into the, well, un-living. World…
What happens afterward will leave two things – one, that many artifacts and items will be left underground (to be discovered by our players in the future!)…two, that a huge…
Long ago we were promised character profiles akin to those of provided to World of Warcraft characters. Today’s blog post on the European site drops details on the soon-to-be-added…
Overall, I think the Guild wars 2 is a great game, the game play is quite different from other free mmo’s in that you play through a strong story completing…